Immaterial of how much your vehicle costs you, it will eventually require some sort of windshield repair. So having the number to a quality repair shop such as Lowe Auto Glass in Augusta keyed into your phone before you actually require our services can prove invaluable. However, we obviously don’t expect you to take us on blind faith just yet; read more in the following questions-and-answers article.
Why hire your company?
Our reliable auto glass technicians have been providing the residents of Augusta, GA with precision work at affordable prices since 2015. Our qualified window technicians have a great deal of hands-on experience and know everything there is about windshields. We use high-quality tools, components, and high-end equipment, having already established a reputation for being hard-working and reliable. We recommend using only genuine OEM parts, and having good working relationships with many of the businesses in the area, to ensure that we can obtain whatever parts are needed.
Does the company accept debit or credit cards?
Yes, our mobile windshield repair technician accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, checks, or cash, your choice.
Does the company offer its services only to the residents of Augusta, GA?
No, our service also covers Woodgate, GA, and the surrounding areas. Truth be said, anyone can hire us and benefit from our services; just drop by and speak to one of our technicians.
Are discounts available?
Yes, 75% off for windshields, and 85% off for windshields for new customers.
Does the company only work with residential customers?
No, our technicians welcome everyone. If it has a windshield or glass, then we can repair or replace it.
Is the company licensed?
Yes, we are.
What services can the company offer me?
Please read the following list:
Mobile Auto Glass Service
Windshield Replacement
Window Regulators and Motors
Windshield Repairs
Mobile Auto Glass Repair
Inquiries are welcomed, so if you would like to discuss any of our services in further detail, call us at the number we have included in the conclusion of this article.
If I need a new windshield, how soon after it is fitted can I drive my car?
We recommend that you wait at least one hour to ensure the glue has properly adhered. However, do not remove the tape for at least 24 hours.
What are the opening hours of Lowe Auto Glass in Augusta?
We are available at the following times:
Monday – Saturday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Sunday: Closed
Are appointments necessary?
Not always, however, our technicians will have a lot to discuss with you, not to mention performing an inspection of the vehicle in question, all of which takes time, so if you could make an appointment, it would be prudent.
Has the company received feedback from clients?
We do, indeed! Look at our home/testimonial pages if you want further information on our services.
In theory, if this questions-and-answers post has done its job right, you should have the confidence to proceed. If you would like to make an appointment with one of our mobile windshield service technicians or have further questions that this article failed to cover, please do not hesitate to contact us today at this number (762) 237-9989 within the business hours stated above.